Náwinĉhakinĝin - Stands Up for the People
CRST Family Violence Prevention Services
P.O. Box 590
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
Office Phone: (605) 964-2475
24 HR Crisis Line: (605) 964-2472
Office Fax: (605) 964-1204
Email: fvp@lakotanetwork.com
Deanna Gomez, Shelter Director
NATIVE WOMEN'S SOCIETY OF THE GREAT PLAINS www.nativewomenssociety.org
HUMAN TRAFFICKING www.polarisproject.org
Náwinĉhakinĝin - Stands Up for the People, The CRST Family Violence Prevention and Services Program
Mission: To provide, education, awareness, assistance, and shelter safety for victims and their dependents.
We are continuing to serve victims and their dependents during the COVID Pandemic.
Vision: Our vision is to create and promote violent-free family units, that will be loving, joyful, peaceful, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control toward each other and other Tiospayes.
About the Domestic Violence Program
Family Violence Prevention and Services Act - The Federal Congress approved the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act in 1984. This created a grant for states to assist in establishing, maintaining, and expanding domestic violence programs and projects to prevent family violence and to provide immediate shelter and related assistance to victims of family violence and their dependents.
Services Provided:
Shelter (If available)
Food and Gas Vouchers
Transit Tickets
Accompany to Hospitals
Accompany to Court Hearings
Assist with completing Crime Victim Assistance Applications
Develop Safety Plan
Support Groups
Referrals to other Support Services
Victim Assistance Training Online
Learn more at www.ovcttac.gov/VATOnline
For Community Members wishing to be part of our volunteer program, in their community. They can choose to create an account and complete the basic advocacy-free training. They will acquire basic skills and knowledge they can use to assist victims of crime in their community. Person's that choose to volunteer will need to pass a background check and drug test first. Any questions please call the office at 964-2472.
Our Program Funding Sources:
Family Violence Prevention and Services Grants to Tribes
PDF 2021 Family Prevention and Services Act
ARP Sexual Assault Supplemental Funding Allowable Costs
FVPSA Grants Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ on Correction of Grant Recipient Name on Notice of Awards
FAQ on Minor Renovations Allowability
FVPSA Podcast Repository
2023 Teen Dating Violence Podcast with love is respect Hotline
2003 SAAM Podcast - Vicarious Trauma and Support for Advocated with FBPSA and National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma and Mental Health (NCDVTMH)
Mandatory Reporting Training
Help for Victims
FBI Releases Latest Missing Indigenous Persons Statistics
2023 Missing American Indian and Alaska Native Persons Data — FBI
FBI Publishes New MMIP Webpage
Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP) — FBI
Office for Victims of Crime - OVC Help Series for Crime Victims (ojp.gov)
Help for Victims | Office for Victims of Crime (ojp.gov)
Tribal Jurisdiction (vawamei.org)