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Cheyenne River Elderly Nutrition Services G.O.A.L.S.
(Gathering for Older American Lakota Services)
Tisha Moran, Title VI Director
Jessica White Horse - Hernandez, Title VI Assistant Director
Ricco Oakie, Title III Coordinator
Charmagne Means, Cook
Fred Scott, Delivery Driver
Wyatt Blue Coat, Facilities Manager
Phone #: (605) 964-8056
Fax #: (605) 964-8057
Physical Address:
713 4th Street
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 784
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Deliveries: Start at 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
(Please be available during this timeframe. Delivery numbers have increased so the driver doesn't have time to go back for a second round.)
Take-Out: will start at 11:30 a.m. and end at 1:00 p.m. NO Exceptions.
CALL FOR THE DAILY MENU as it is subject to change.
Anpetu Waste’ Eligible Elders,
Nutritious meals are provided for you at no cost, through grants from Title III & Title VI of the Older Americans Act.
The actual costs for providing your meal are currently @ $5.86 per meal. You have the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution to your meal. Your Donation Matters!
The suggested contribution for a meal is $1.00. However, any and all donations are accepted; $1.00, $2.00, $5.00, etc. Whatever you can afford to donate is added to the nutrition services budget and we can expand meals that directly benefit you and your community of elders! Your contribution is confidential and the amount you choose to give is your choice. Services will NOT be terminated or reduced if you choose not to contribute towards the cost of your service, as you are under no obligation. Your generosity helps us to meet our food expenses and provide meals for more seniors and a better variety of food choices.
When there are extra meals, you are allowed to purchase an extra meal for $1.00, but you can only purchase one.
For delivery & take-out, you should call ahead in the morning of the day you would like an extra meal so staff can prepare the extra meals and have them ready.
A guest meal is $7.00
A child guest, 17 & under is $4.00
The guests can only be once a month per regulations so a log will be kept and tracked.
We have new Intake forms that are required to be completed for eligibility for meals and services provided. We will begin issuing new intake forms beginning August 19, 2024, through a deadline of August 30, 2024 to begin Take-Out meals. Take-Out meals will begin September 03. 2024. Delivery meals have been ongoing and will continue to be available. CALL AND A FORM WILL BE BROUGHT OUT TO YOU, 605-964-8056 OR PULL UP AND HONK YOUR HORN AND SOMEONE WILL COME OUT AND BRING YOU A FORM. DUE TO RENOVATION CONTINUING, WE CANNOT ALLOW PUBLIC IN THE BUILDING.
Currently, any elder 60 years of age or over, is eligible and is welcome to do a new intake form for services provided.
Spouses of an eligible elder are also eligible for meals, regardless of age, but will need to be listed on the intake form to receive a meal.
If you have a disabled adult child 18 or over, living with you, they are also eligible but you will need to list their name on the intake form.
If you have someone who lives with you (spouse, significant other, relative, etc.) and assists you with daily activities, please list them as well and what activities they assist you with as they can also be eligible to receive a meal with you.
Thank you for your patience during this time of renovation! We are happy to begin take-out meals for you once again! We are waiting on dining room furniture, then the grand opening will be soon after.

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