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District 3

Communities Represented by District 3
Cherry Creek
South Eagle Butte

Tribal Council Representative (2)
Kenric Dupris 
John Kessler

District Council 
Barry Oakie, Chairman
Vacant, Secretary 



Bridger was named after Bridger Creek. The creek was named for Jim Bridger, a famous frontier scout, and trader. 


Takini means "survivor" and was named for the survivors of the Wounded Knee Massacre who returned  to 
Cheyenne River reservation at Bridger. 


Cherry Creek lays claims to being the oldest continuously inhabited the place in South Dakota. The area received its names from the abundance of wild cherries, plums, gooseberries and currants along the banks of the creek.

Sidney Keith states that Eagle Butte was so named because Indians used to trap eagles there. He writes, “In the early 30s, and the old man called “Fish Gut,” or Ho Supe. Lived down below that butte, He told that the Ree Indians were catching eagles the old way. They would dig a hole large enough to stand in and they covered it with a brush. They would tie a freshly killed rabbit (to the brush), skin it partly, and the eagles with their sharp eyesight could spot the meat. They would land to get it but it was tied up, so while they struggled to get the meat, the Indian would stick his hand through the opening and grab a leg. They would tie a thong (rope) to their legs because if the eagle grabbed hold of your hand, it wouldn’t let go or it would peck your hand until you let go. Eagles are strong. I guess eagles like that spot (butte) because of the south wind. They can soar without flapping a wing. It is a stopping off place for the eagles in their migration.” 

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe 


P.O. Box 590

Eagle Butte, SD 57625

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Logo

Tribal Chairman                (605) 964-4155


Tribal Treasurer                (605) 964-4426


Tribal Secretary                 (605) 964-8311


Council Representatives    (605) 964-6685

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